NSW Disability Service Providers – Have Your Say on Proposed Framework to Regulate Restrictive Practices

  • NDIS Providers
  • Provider Alert
Date of Change:
Not applicable
Takes Effect:
January 2025

What’s Happened? 

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice has proposed a new framework to regulate restrictive practices used on people with disability. This initiative aims to reduce and, where possible, eliminate such practices, ensuring the protection of individuals’ rights. Restrictive practices include measures like limiting movement or administering medication (not related to illness) to manage behaviours that could pose serious safety risks. 

The department has released a consultation paper outlining key elements of the framework and is seeking feedback from service providers and the broader community. 

Why is this Important? 

The proposed framework is critical for safeguarding the rights of people with disability while ensuring necessary supports are in place. Service providers have an opportunity to influence the legislation, ensuring it is practical and promotes the highest standards of care. 

Share Your Thoughts 

The consultation is open until Friday, 28 February 2025 5:00 PM. Providers can submit their feedback in several ways: 

  1. Online: Complete a submission form or upload your response via the Have Your Say website. 
  2. Email: Send feedback to [email protected]. 
  3. Post: Locked Bag 5000, Parramatta, NSW, 2124. 
  4. Phone: Arrange a conversation by emailing the department. 

        An Easy Read summary of the Consultation Paper and dedicated surveys for people with disability and their families have also been made available. 

        Service providers are encouraged to act now to ensure their voices and those of the participants they support are heard. 
